About the Journal
Please note: IJMAT is a new journal. It will be published for the first time in 2025. Indexing in DOAJ, Web of Science and Scopus, among others, will be sought. We are looking forward to submissions for the first issue!
To submit a paper, please check the current Call for Papers of IJMAT.
Focus & Scope / Topics
The International Journal of Mobile Applications and Technologies (IJMAT, ISSN: 2944-5671) is an Open Access scientific journal for current advances in the research on mobile applications and mobile technologies.
IJMAT publishes academic research papers that deal with theoretical-conceptual, empirical-descriptive or empirical-analytical research questions on mobile apps and technologies. This includes studies on the acceptance, use and recommendation of mobile apps. It also includes technical concepts that deal with the use of mobile technologies (e.g. GPS, Bluetooth, RFID, beacons, push notifications, programming languages). Observations on the mobile app market, for example on the role of gatekeepers such as Google and Apple, also are within the scope of the journal.
All research papers, whether original research, case study, literature review or technical concept, are
- rigorously, timely and construcively peer-reviewed
- freely available Open Access (CC BY 3.0 license)
- indexed in Crossref and the National Library of Germany
- assigned with a DOI
The International Journal of Mobile Applications and Technologies is also listed in the journal database (ZDB) of the German National Library, in the German National Bibliography and in the ISSN Portal.
Open Access Journal
Scientific knowledge should be available to everyone – free of charge. We as a publisher are convinced of this. That is why the IJMAT – like all our journals – is an open access journal. All papers published in the IJMAT are available to all interested readers free of charge. (Learn more about our Open Access Policy)
To cover our costs, e.g. for hosting, software, copy-editing, we charge our authors an article processing charge (APC). For more information on APC and to submit a paper to IJMAT for publication, please visit Submission & Publication section.
Frequency of Publication
The International Journal of Mobile Applications and Technologies is published twice a year.
Articles accepted for publication are published continuously, i.e. in the respective current issue. This form of continuous publication is particularly interesting for authors who want their paper to be published promptly.
Editorial Board
Atilla Wohllebe, University of Applied Sciences Wedel, Germany (LinkedIn)
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board of the International Journal of Mobile Applications and Technologies is a small, international team of experienced scientists with a strong research background in mobile apps and technologies.
- Carsten Giebe, Macromedia University of Applied Sciences, Germany (LinkedIn)
- Gabriele Schuster, IU International University of Applied Sciences, Germany (LinkedIn)
- Pranay Airan, Airbnb, California, USA (LinkedIn)
- Quentin Commine, University of Strasbourg, France (LinkedIn)
- Sriram Santosh Aripirala, Airbnb, California, USA (LinkedIn)
- Stamatis Papadakis, University of Crete, Greece (LinkedIn)
Technical Editor
Florian Ross, WR Publishing, Germany (LinkedIn)